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Certification process

Eusoma is committed to fostering Breast Centres in Europe, according to the standards set in the Eusoma document “The requirements of a Specialist Breast Centre”.
In order to make sure that Breast Centres follow these requirements and continue working to increase the standards of care, Eusoma promotes the voluntary Certification Process of Breast Centres run by Breast Centres Certification.

Breast Centres Certification scheme is in compliance with the standard
Eusoma guidelines on
"The requirements of a specialist breast centre"

Breast Centres Certification is committed to diffusing the implementation of Breast Centres according to the Eusoma requirements and the quality of care through a certification process. Breast Centres Certification scheme is a voluntary certification process in compliance with the international regulation on certification ISO/IEC 17065.

Breast Centres Certification scheme is a collaboration between ITALCERT Srl, a certification body in the field of management system, product and services, and BCCERT, a no profit society aiming at promoting and diffusing a high quality standard of care in breast cancer. BCCERT takes care of the procedure, from an operative, organizational and scientific point of view.

For more information on the procedure and application please visit www.breastcentrescertification.com or contact info@breastcentrescertification.com


Accreditation of Breast Centres Certification scheme

In November 2015 Breast Centres Certification obtained from ACCREDIA the accreditation of ITALCERT Scheme - Breast Centres Certification based on Eusoma requirements.

ACCREDIA is the sole National Accreditation Body (NAB) that performs accreditation with authority derived from the State and participates in the Multilateral Agreement (MLA) among all the International NAB of the different States.

By virtue of this participation, all the certificates issued under ACCREDIA accreditation, are both recognized and accepted internationally and automatically recognized in each signatory country of Multilateral Agreement*
At the moment Breast Centres Certification is the only accredited scheme for Breast Centres based on Eusoma requirements, that has succeeded such a result in the European Scenario.

* The EA Multilateral Agreement (EA MLA) is a signed agreement between the EA Full Members whereby the signatories recognize and accept the equivalence of the accreditation systems operated by the signing members, and also the reliability of the conformity assessment results provided by conformity assessment bodies accredited by the signing members: i.e. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Croatia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, The Netherlands, Turkey, United Kingdom, Ukraine as BLA (Bilateral Agreement between an EA Associate Member and EA)